lördag 10 november 2007

and life goes on....

feeling slightly better, I think the nausea was more down to the bug that the kids have had. I feel bad only if I have to leap out of bed suddenly to assist one of the kids. Generally v tired, thanks to the sedative effects of progesterone I think, and quite weak but I hope my reviving appetite improves this. Anyhow now and again having my dose of 'Floradix' which is a herbal mix that provides lots of vits and minerals. Tastes foul but the dose about the size of a shot so you just have to down it. Giving some to S as he looks quite pale and it seems to stop him moaning about being tired.
Had some weird pains the other day, which I feel guilty about hoping this might be it, ie the end of the pregnancy. This is me being brutally honest but inshaAllah I'll feel more positive about everything soon. Just don't know how we're going to move house and the memories of the pregnancy with Biryani are still fresh. I'm coping now but DH goes away soon and wondering if I'll manage. Should put trust in Allah more and be happier with the condition I am in....

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